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Wheatley Lane Methodist VA Primary School

"With God's help, we do all we can to be the best we can be".

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After consulting with parents and staff the Governors have decided to change the uniform policy. This will come into effect from September 2024.

This is to ensure our youngest children are able to access the curriculum without restriction to movement.

See our models below for our new uniform. The  blue polo shirts are from Asda – (other suppliers available).

Our logoed fleece is available from Moonline on Standish street in Burnley, however plain navy blue from any supplier is fine.

The Friends of Wheatley Lane have a selection of second hand uniform which is available in school for a voluntary donation to FWLS. Please speak to Nicola in the office.


Please note we have a NO JEWELERY policy.


Long hair must be tied back with a black, brown or navy hair band/elastic. No hair accessories e.g. bows.





PE kit

EYFS and Year 1

From September 2025 this will be the uniform for Year 2

Pale blue polo shirt

Navy joggers/leggings or Navy shorts

Navy hoodie or sweatshirt (school logo optional)

Year 2

Pale blue polo shirt

Grey cardigan/ jumper

Grey shorts/trousers/skirt/pinafore

Blue and white gingham dress (when it's warm enough)


White polo shirt (logo optional)

Navy hoodie/fleece (logo optional)

Navy shorts/leggings/joggers

Year 3,4,5,6

Pale blue formal shirt

School tie (Year 6 is different)

Grey cardigan/jumper

Grey shorts/trousers/skirt/pinafore

Blue and white gingham dress (when it's warm enough)


White polo shirt (logo optional)

Navy hoodie/fleece (logo optional)

Navy shorts/leggings/joggers


EYFS/ Year 1 and 2 Uniform
