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Wheatley Lane Methodist VA Primary School

"With God's help, we do all we can to be the best we can be".

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Art and Design


We follow the KAPOW Art and Design scheme of work.

We have chosen this scheme of work because it helps to build a broad and balanced curriculum that stretches and inspires children.  We want to ensure it remains fresh, updated, relevant and affordable and KAPOW delivers an online subscription platform to provide content and resources that are constantly being improved and refreshed.

KAPOW allows teachers to deliver lessons that are inspiring, challenging and that give a wide range of cultural references so that we are expanding our children’s cultural capital through our Art and Design curriculum

The scheme of work is directly linked to the National Curriculum expectations 








Art and Design Policy

Art and Design and Cultural Capital

Art and Design links with British Values, The Protected characteristics, the PSHE curriculum and Cultural capital

Art in action - creating poppy art for Remembrance day.

Art in action - Clay sculpture with artist Isobel from the Lowry.

Art in action - using nature to create nature sculptures.
