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Wheatley Lane Methodist VA Primary School

"With God's help, we do all we can to be the best we can be".

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Physical Education

One of our talented pupils got to the final of a local Cross-country event. She did extremely well. We are so proud of her.

5.7.23 Skipping Workshop. A skipping workshop came to school and helped the children learn new skipping skills including hop skipping, cross skipping and skipping on the move.

4.7.23 Eight of our KS2 children went to Blackpool to represent Pendle in the Lancashire Schools' Games. They took part in the multi-skills event and had a wonderful time.

Here are our wonderful Y4/5 girls' football team. They played extremely well in their recent tournament.

Our wonderful netball team, who finished the year by winning every game in the 21.6.23 tournament

We are so proud of our cross country runners who represented our school in a recent race. Thank you for all your hard work.

For International Women's Day some of our Y4 girls took part in a football event. They even got to meet Bertie Bee!

Four of our Y6 children represented the school at a table tennis tournament. They were fantastic!

Year 5 children represent the school in a kurling event

Well done to the Girls' football team for winning the Pendle Girls' football event.

As part of Pendle School's Sports partnership, we attend lots of different sporting events.

This Autumn Term we are due to take part in the following events...

Football league,

Girls football competitions

Y3 striking and fielding

Y6 bench ball

Y3 Indoor athletics

Y3 UV dodgeball

Y4 Indoor athletics

Y5/6 Indoor athletics

Mixed football competition

Y5 UV dodge ball

Y6 UV dodge ball

Y4 UV dodge ball

Our wonderful girls' football team at the Pendle schools' competition. Girls, you did us proud!

The girls second football tournament was a success evening with three wins out of three.  Well done superstars. (10.10.22)

Our football team were successful in their first tournament of the year. They played 3 matches and won all three. 21.9.22

Year 4 and Year 2 have begun the Autumn term with FUNDA. Miss Gavin has been visiting them to teach them gymnastics.

Y4 enjoyed playing dodgeball
